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3 Secret Benefits to Print Over Digital

In a world infatuated with digital, print marketers have a secret in their pockets—print. Here are three reasons why print still packs a wallop, even in a digital world.

1. Los canales digitales no son tan baratos como crees.

 Just because there isn’t a print and mail cost doesn’t mean that digital channels are less expensive than print. Digital channels have constant churn in addresses and profiles, for example, so lists require constant management and updating. Email also has significant costs associated with opt-in, opt-out, and other list management that print doesn’t.

2. Print gets read when email doesn’t. 

Un correo muy específico y perfectamente sincronizado puede quedar sepultado bajo docenas o cientos de correos antes de que el destinatario se dé cuenta de que está ahí. Por el contrario, la gente recupera y clasifica su correo todos los días.

3Print drives online behavior.   

One of the primary reasons people visit your website is because of something they’ve seen or received in print. Study after study shows that print and online channels work in a symbiotic relationship.

Convinced? Here are three tips for getting the most out of your print marketing efforts:

  • Cree segmentos objetivo. Divida a sus clientes en categorías que le permitan segmentar y dirigir su mensaje. Puede segmentar por edad, región geográfica, categoría de producto o lo que le resulte más útil.
  • Personalice la conversación. La gente compra a personas, no a empresas. Tómese el tiempo necesario para dirigirse a cada destinatario por su nombre. Si es posible, utilice datos que le permitan hablar de sus necesidades individuales.
  • Use multiple channels. Instead of focusing on one channel or another, develop integrated, multichannel campaigns in which direct mail, email, and mobile marketing work together. Let each channel reinforce what’s best in the others.

Print Still Works

Print marketing can leave an impression that lasts, and it can be personal.